Deepening Reform: Shanghai innovates urban renewal models to maximize public interests

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China is in the midst of large-scale urban renewal, exploring innovative models to maximize public benefit. Shanghai's Hongqi Village, once the city's largest urban village, has transformed into a modern hub, setting a precedent for mega-city renewal strategies. CGTN's Lin Nan reports.

Gui Huili, a former resident of Hongqi Village, never imagined she would one day return to her hometown to live and work. Once the largest urban village in Shanghai's central area, Hongqi Village had previously been plagued by governance and environmental issues. In 2014, the village began a transformation journey, evolving into a modern urban complex.

GUI HUILI Operations Manager, Hongqi Tower "My family moved out before the renewal. The resettlement housing on the original land was very high-quality. We decided to return here due to our emotional ties to the area."

Today, Gui serves as an operations manager in Hongqi Tower, the first office tower delivered in this revitalized area. It has attracted over 100 enterprises and is becoming a digital economy hub. Yunque Tech, specializing in AI content, is its inaugural tenant.

HE QINGHAI General Manager, Yunque Tech "Hongqi Tower isn't just an office space; it integrates public transport and one-stop services of dining, shopping and residential areas. It enhances our employees' satisfaction and work-life balance."

Not only have the emerging industries and employees who have settled here benefited from the development of this area, but the original residents of Hongqi Village have also gained economic benefits and career development thanks to an innovative urban renewal model.

GUI ZHIHUA General Manager, Shanghai Xinglong Industries Co. "Our village collective used land compensation to repurchase Hongqi Tower at cost price. The income from this building contributes to collective benefits shared by all villagers. This has elevated Hongqi Village's collective assets and industrial capabilities, fostering sustainable development. Villagers are also able to participate in its daily operation and management, exploring more career opportunities in their new roles."

In November 2019, President Xi Jinping first proposed the concept of "cities built by the people and for the people, serving the people," during an inspection in Shanghai. His directive that "urban management should be as delicately crafted as embroidery" is also reflected in the innovative planning and utilization of a plot of land in Hongqi Village.

LIN NAN Shanghai "This land is criss-crossed by multiple high-voltage power lines, providing electricity to Shanghai, but also controlling its planning and use. It has now transformed into an exemplary case of triple-win cooperation among the public, businesses and the government."

The land is divided for separate uses: above ground as public green space and underground hosting the world's first Sam's Club in a park, maximizing economic benefits without disrupting power lines.

ZHAO WEIMAO Project Director of Hongqi Village China Overseas Land and Investment Ltd. Shanghai "It's great for Sam's Club to build a member store at the city center. It benefits us developers as the store brings customer footfall. In addition to land revenue, the government earns substantial annual taxes. Local residents can enjoy convenient shopping and a large green park nearby."

In China's large and mega cities, transforming urban villages is crucial for improving livelihoods, boosting domestic demand and driving high-quality urban development. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and five other cities have a combined total of more than 4,400 urban villages, housing over 55 million people. This comprehensive effort involves managing funds, industries, and population issues – with cities introducing detailed policies.

LIN NAN Shanghai "From a dilapidated urban village to a modern urban functional area equipped with comprehensive public facilities, the transformation of Hongqi Village reflects China's commitment to prioritizing quality of life and housing security in its urban renewal. The fundamental goal is to enhance the sense of happiness and security among the people. Lin Nan, CGTN, Shanghai." (From CGTN)

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